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Adult Spirituality

Adult Spirituality

​As Catholics, we are called to look at, and understand with a new depth, the mission entrusted to each of us from the moment we emerge from the waters of baptism. We are called to embrace the mission that is our heritage. We are called to join that great cloud of witness, that communion of saints who preceded us, and remain present with us as we are faithful to announcing the good news, which is Jesus Christ, and going forth to “make disciples of all nations.”

Intergenerational Gatherings

The parish gathers several times a year on Saturday evenings for the 5:00 Mass, 6:00 Dinner and 7:00 Breakout catechetical session.

RENEW Faith Sharing Groups

Small group faith sharing groups meet in the fall and spring.

Men’s Fellowship

Meets on Saturday mornings for faith sharing and fellowship.

Women’s Bible Study

Meets on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 throughout the year.

Centering Prayer Group

Meets on Friday mornings.

Theology On Tap

Theology on Tap monthly gatherings meet at Atria’s in Murrysville.  Sessions engage young adults with Catholic speakers on current topics, provide opportunities to meet new people, and deepen faith in Jesus Christ