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Faith Formation

We are now accepting registration for Faith formation and Sacramental Preparation for 2024-2025! All information regarding the options, calendars, fees and registration links are included in the information packet below.

Faith Formation for Those with Special Needs

All children deserve an opportunity to discover our faith and build a relationship with God.  The Faith Formation for Those with Special Needs program supports families by making faith formation and sacramental preparation available to all children with unique needs. This program is facilitated by youth mentors and gathers from mid-September through April.

Please click the button below to register. Contact Ellen Mady with any questions. 

Would your student like to serve as a youth mentor? Please register here: 

Order of Christian Initiation

Thinking of joining the Catholic Church? Don’t know where to begin? The Order of Christian Initiation (OCIA) may be the place for you! The process of joining the Roman Catholic church is known as the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA). The Catechumenate, as it is often called, is a late 20th century restoration of a 2nd-3rd century process that prepared people for acceptance into the Christian Faith. 

The OCIA is a faith journey, which consists of four distinct steps: 

Stage 1: Inquiry: Checking it out!

You are finding out about Jesus, Christianity, and the Catholic church. You are asking questions and checking it out, but might not be quite ready to commit. 

Stage 2: Catechumenate: Learning about the faith!

As your faith begins to develop you need to learn and grow more. You focus on catechesis in this stage: learning about the faith,

How to live as a Christian, and developing your interior life. Your job now is to come into closer contact with the Living God and learn more about the Catholic Faith.

Stage 3: Getting ready for rebirth!

This period of purification and enlightenment is the final stage before being fully brought in or initiated into the Church. This stage of intense reflection calls you to deeper conversion in preparation for your renewal at Easter.

Initiation! You’re received into the Church during the Easter Vigil Mass, where you’ll receive the sacraments of initiation: baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist. (if you’ve already been baptized, you won’t be baptized again.)

Stage 4: Reflection on the mysteries of the Mass

This stage of mystagogy during Easter is for continued reflection on the sacraments you have received at Easter, especially the Eucharist. It is a time of celebration as you participate fully in the Mass and Sacraments.


All people who are open to discerning their personal experience of faith and to learning more about the Catholic Church are welcome to begin the OCIA process. Many people come to an awareness of their desire to learn about membership in the Catholic Church in various and different ways. Often it may be a personal faith tragedy, or a friendship or discussion with a person of faith which leads one to begin this exciting journey. All that is truly required is a sincere desire to learn, to grow, and to develop one’s relationship with God.


The OCIA process can be applied to the following 3 groups:

Unbaptized: Persons (age of discretion: 7+ years)

Those who have never been baptized and who need a process to help them grow in awareness of God’s call to conversion as well as ways to respond to that call. They are considered catechumens.

Baptized in Another Christian Church: Those who were baptized into another Christian denomination and wish to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church. They are considered candidates. For baptized Christians interested in possibly joining the Catholic Church, the process will vary depending upon the depth of one’s religious and spiritual readiness.

Baptized but uncatechized Catholic Adults: Those who were baptized as infants and not given any religious instruction in the Catholic Faith. These adults will be prepared to celebrate the sacraments of penance, confirmation and Eucharist. They are also considered candidates.  


For further information, please fill out the inquiry MOS OCIA registration form below and someone will contact you to begin the discussion.