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LituRgical Ministries

Liturgical Ministries

The liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the church is directed; it is also the source from which all its power flows. For the goal of apostolic endeavor is that all who are made children of God by faith and Baptism should come together to praise God in the midst of his church, to take part in the sacrifice and to eat the Lord’s Supper. The liturgy, in its turn, moves the faithful filled with “the paschal sacraments” to be “one in their commitment to you”; it prays that “they hold fast in their lives to what they have grasped by their faith” (SC # 10).


Readers proclaim the Word of God.  Careful preparation of the Word is expected so as to promote understanding to the gathered faithful.  Open to those who have been fully initiated in the Roman Catholic Faith.  Training is provided.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Distributes the Most Holy Body and Blood of Our Lord to the gathered faithful. Open to those who have been fully initiated in the Roman Catholic Faith.  Training is provided. 


These ministers greet the faithful, assist them in finding seats, helps when someone becomes ill, assists in collecting the offertory, and directs the flow-of-traffic during the Distribution of Communion.  Open to teens and adults.  CPR and First Aid training is encouraged.

Hospitality Ministers

Welcomes the faithful as they enter the facility.  Ensures that they are wearing masks.  Helps to create a welcoming atmosphere.  

Adult Funeral Servers

Assist the Presider in the celebration of the Funeral Liturgy. Training is provided.  Funerals are usually celebrated Monday-Saturday mornings. 

Altar Server

Assists the Presider in the celebration of Mass.  Training is provided.